Hi girl,
you must be surprised to see this entry up here.
Do accept my apologies, my mobile is outside and I am really lazy to walk over just to call and let you know I am done with your template. (You ain't on FB either!!)
Not sure if you are fine with this current one, but I find it a lot more simple and nicer (in a way) than the previous one. Also noticed that the previous template cannot be viewed on/with Mozilla.
Had also added the archives, all the way below; after all the links.
Let me know if you want anything to be added..this time, I will charge.
Ok, I am going for my dinner in another 15MINS time.. hungry max gao gao!
& please do not hurt yourself anymore, when the "another you" hit YOU, you don't feel any pain at all, but when the "another you" left YOU, you feel the pain!
I scarifies myself la hor.. mai gong bo.. LOL!
You can always call me whenever your emotion messed up, I accompany you to ichiban sushi, cheese cake, ice cream, yogurt, steam boat and blah blah blah.
You'd knew all these can cure emotions really well! *evil-laugh.
Don't always like that!!
For I do not want to go back to the extreme fatfat days of mine okay!
Thank you very much!
Okay, am going for a puff now and then dinner.
P/s: be it whatever the time now by the time you read this, help me bully the two monsters! muahahahahaha!
5:34 PM