❤Monday, January 10, 2011 ❤

finally the kids went to school today....daddy beng stayed home looking after chloe while i sent the kids to school....this is the only alternative for the time being for the kids to go to school and me able top go work....cuz for the subsidies they are only eligible for mothers who work so......yes.......
  1. gotta look and get a job fast fast fast...
  2. gotta prepare money for ang paos this new year.....*pocket empty
  3. gotta teach ariel her spelling cuz every thursday she got spelling test
  4. was teaching ariel to write her name in chinese and she finally know how to write "chen"only
  5. belle has been whining lately dunno wat is her prob....maybe sibling rivalry or something
  6. ariel has been telling lies and i am extremely disappointed....
  7. i have been trying to tell dearie how i feel but still no outcome ....always eneded up in a quarrel
dearie....both our temper is super stubborn but sometimes i just want u to understand that i ain't super woman and i need someone to confide to also....


8:02 PM